§ Important Note Update: Starting June 7, 2021 and until further notice, portions of the LBJ Ranch National Historic Site are closed due to heavy rain and road construction. The impassable conditions on the taxiway, which is part of the driving loop, will prohibit driving on the National Historic Site. Guests will have time to explore the grounds at the LBJ State Park and Historic Site Visitor Center and Sauer-Beckmann Living History Farm. § Important Note: Starting August 3, 2018 and until further notice, guided tours of the interior of the “Texas Whitehouse” are cancelled per the National Park Service due to needed repairs. However, guests can still explore the LBJ Ranch grounds, view exhibition pieces and artifacts in the JetStar Hangar, watch an award-winning 14-minute film, and get a picture with LBJ’s infamous JetStar aka “Air Force One-Half”.
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Phone: (800) 341-6000 or (210) 341-6000 -- Please contact Gray Line San Antonio 48 hours prior to your tour departure to confirm your pick up location if you did not select one upon booking. We pick up at any downtown San Antonio hotel starting 30 minutes prior to the departure time!